Восемьдесят пятое заседание Научного семинара «Математический коллоквиум»

28 июля 2022 г. в 10:00 (по томскому времени) состоится восемьдесят пятое заседание Научного семинара «Математический коллоквиум».

С докладом выступит:

Seokbeom Yoon, Departamento de Matematicas Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona.

Тема доклада:

  • «Cluster variables on braids»

Abstract: Given a braid presentation of a hyperbolic knot, Hikami and Inoue observed that a sequence of cluster mutations induces a system of equations and showed that each solution of the system corresponds to a boundary-parabolic representation of the knot group. They conjectured the existence of a solution corresponding to the geometric representation. In this talk we will show that a boundary-parabolic representation arises from a solution if and only if its obstruction class equals to the length of the braid modulo 2. In particular, the conjecture of Hikami and Inoue holds if and only if the length of the braid is odd. This work is joint with Jinseok Cho and Christian Zickert.

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